Chengiz” is a gripping Bollywood action drama released in 2023, directed by Rajesh Ganguly. The movie stars Jeet in the titular role, supported by a stellar cast including Susmita Chatterjee, Rohit Roy, and Shataf Figar. Set against the backdrop of the turbulent 1970s and 1980s in Kolkata, “Chengiz” chronicles the rise of an underworld kingpin, Chengiz, who becomes a powerful figure in the city’s crime world.
Release Year
Action, Thriller
Rajesh Ganguly
Main Cast
Jeet, Susmita Chatterjee, Rohit Roy, Shataf Figar
Kolkata, 1980s and 1990s
The rise of Chengiz from a small-time hoodlum to a feared gangster in Kolkata’s underworld.
“Chengiz” (2023) tells the riveting story of a man’s ascent through the dark and dangerous world of crime. Chengiz, driven by a thirst for vengeance after a ruthless betrayal, infiltrates the ranks of the city’s most notorious gang. As he rises to power, his journey is marked by brutal confrontations, shifting loyalties, and a series of high-stakes gambits that test his cunning and resolve. Along the way, he forms unexpected alliances and faces fierce adversaries, each step bringing him closer to his ultimate goal of retribution. In the end, Chengiz’s quest culminates in a dramatic and explosive showdown, forcing him to confront the true cost of his vendetta and the man he has become.